Reconstruction Compare And Contrast

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Compare: >Treating the black people as people rather than property with the assistance of laws being passed. In the Presidential Reconstruction the 13th amendment was passed and in the Congressional Reconstruction the 14th and 15th amendments were passed. > Contrast: Presidential Reconstruction: >a southern state would be readmitted to the U.S. after 10% of the voters took an oath of loyalty and respect emancipation. >very forgiving >Lincoln claimed that the Confederate states never left the Union. >In 1863, Lincoln proposed the proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in which he granted southerners the ability to be pardoned and reinstated as US citizens if they took and oath of allegiance to the Constitution.This excluded high Confederate …show more content…

Johnson believed that these wealthy Southerners led the South into secession. >Johnson issued around 13,000 such pardons, in which planter aristocrats were granted the power to exercise control over the Reconstruction of their states, hence the all of the southerns property (excluding slaves) were returned to them as long as they pledged to the Union and abided by the 13th amendment . This angered the Radical Republicans as the planter aristocrats went back into having high controlling power of most of the south. >Johnson called for special state conventions to repeal the ordinances of secession, abolish slavery, repudiate all debts incurred to aid the Confederacy, and ratify the Thirteenth Amendment. Suggestions of black suffrage were scarcely raised at these state conventions and promptly quashed when they …show more content…

The Wade-Davis Bill required 50% of voters to take the allegiance oath and safeguards to protect the freed blacks. >As the Radical Republicans took control of the Reconstruction from President Johnson, they implemented a few changes such as: Congress denying representatives from former Confederate states for their Congressional seats, passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and wrote the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The 14th Amendment, extended citizenship rights to African Americans and guaranteed them equal protection of the laws. >In 1867, Congress overrode a presidential veto in order to pass an the military reformation act that would divide the South into military districts, this would place the former Confederate states under martial law pending their adoption of constitutions guaranteeing civil liberties to former slaves. The plan would divide the ten unreconstructed states into five military