
Reconstruction Of The South Essay

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Having the right to vote, African Americans were beginning to take a stand in the regions when it came to office and government representation. Many African Americans joined voting polls; in some states, they outnumbered whites. With this, many African Americans voted for Republican representatives, and soon African Americans would enter state legislature elections. Though they were usually a minority, in South Carolina, black legislators rules the lower house and state senate. Within short time, there would be more blacks in government, like P.B.S Pinchback- a black governor in Louisiana. These would soon lead to African Americans in the House of Representatives. And, in time, it gradually grew in number. Similarly, in 1870, Hiram Revels, …show more content…

After the war, Northern industries grew as the Civil War required a vast number of supplies. Southerners began to ask themselves one question, “can the South benefit in this form of industrialized cities. This was an opportunity to rehabilitate the South, and soon there would be a major Reconstruction focus of rebuilding the southern railroads to create old villages into towns and old towns into cities. Businesses and tradings would become major in Southern cities; however, the South would not become as industrialized as the North. The Republicans in Congress desired to promote business in the South, and the infrastructure was restored. But, it was costly, and heavy taxes returned to the Southerners. With this, there had been an issue with corruption. During Reconstruction, it grew to the public of whites, blacks, Democrats, Republicans, southerners, and Northern Carpetbaggers. Soon, this corruption would reach the White House, and- in Grant’s first term- would involve a scandal with the Credit Mobilier Company. It was set up by the owners of the Union Pacific Railroad in order to build some of the transcontinental railroad westward from Omaha. The Union Pacific granted great amounts of money to the company; some of it had been for work, but a great deal of it went to the Union pacific officers and politicians who had been bribed and getting away from the fraud. Though, in time, matters would grow to horrible extent, and Reconstruction would take a

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