Bravery is a recurring theme throughout the text. In the book “The Red Badge of
Courage” the young soldier by the name of Henry Fleming at first he lacks being brave. “On the
Subway” She is worried that her life might be taken. More Bravery is not being afraid and able to face difficult situations. Each text I chose to write about has different types or bravery. In “The Red Badge of Courage” the bravery shown in a civil war. Bravery in “On the Subway” She shows bravery by not showing the fact that she is scared and doesn’t get off the train. At first, Henry fears battle, he runs the first chance he can when the first battle starts.
After seeing all the wounded soldiers and watching one of the battles from a distance. he watches his friend Jim
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In “The Myth of the Latin women” she should put up with a lot of legends of who she is to be. Due to her being Latina. She stood there and took all the words they had to say. She was made out to be “Maria” from West Side Story, a man was reenacting her. She kept calm while everyone laughed at her. There were many stereotypes that she had to put up with. She dressed in her traditional clothes, while her school friends got to dress and act however they wanted to. Men treated the
Latina women like they were “Hot Tamales”. Another man tried to serenading her. Then a woman presumed that she was a waitress in a restaurant. She was very brave to just not let it bother her, and she wanted to prove them wrong about Latina women. She wants to be like the other kids her age and just fit in. from “The Myth of the Latin women” “You can master the English language, and travel far as you can, but if you are Latina.”
“The island travels with you.” No matter where she goes to her heritage follows her. She must be brave to let people say things because they assume it’s true. It probably gets frustrating trying to explain the same thing