Reenie Johnson Research Paper

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After alcoholism and abuse in her first marriage, Reenie Johnson found confidence in work, family.

Reenie Johnson was born and raised in Provo. She attended Provo High and started working right out of school, “I worked in a sewing factory and fast food. I always had a couple of jobs, I just liked working and the interaction with people.”

She also married soon after high school. The marriage lasted 20 years. They had three children together and Reenie adopted a child of his from his first marriage.

As soon as they were married the problem that would end their marriage began for her husband. “It was alcoholism--everything just falls apart when that’s involved in any life, I think. In reflection, I think I probably should have ended the marriage about three months in. It just seemed like a daily thing after we were married. I just kept thinking it was gonna be different, that I could make the difference. …show more content…

“It was the standard story- it won’t happen again- but it did” It was a pattern in Reenie’s life, one she never thought she’d fall into. She was raised in an alcoholic family. Her husband was too. “I was just scared, scared to death to leave. I didn’t know if I could support my kids… I didn’t think I could do it.”
They separated several times before filing for a divorce. An affair with Reenie’s best friend across the street pushed things to a breaking point. Reenie says she has no regrets now, and loves her life and family. “It was just the biggest blessing to get out of that because my life started… and I think my children's’ lives started after

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