Reflection About Music And Art

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Music and art bind us all. Despite of our different ideologies, language and culture, these things never fail to unite us as one. Music and art both have the ability to synchronize our thoughts. These two things gives us similar reasons in appreciating the world.
Chesca and I are almost entirely different. This was the reason why it took me a while to find that “me too” connection. I started our conversation with a simple introduction. We exchanged our HIs and HELLOs as well as our names. She mentioned her course, which is Art Studies, and that was the moment I found the “me too” connection. I took Art Studies 2 in my previous semester and I would say that that was one of my favorite courses. Franschesca and I both took Art Studies 2 under Sir Paulino (but in different timeslot). We discussed about Sir Paulino’s fun activities, heavy workload and his unique pedagogy.
I avoided the small talk. I ask her simple questions but not questions answerable only by Yes or No. I asked her if she watched Game of Thrones and if she haven’t, maybe I could give her a copy of the series. The conversation went really productive. I mentioned to her my province which is the “Heart of the Philippines” and she was amazed upon knowing it. Our first meeting was on Tuesday – the time allotted for conceptualization. We made a list of our talents and surprisingly, we both have an interest on art. She make collages and I make drawings using oil-based color materials. But it was in high school when