Jamba Blenders Argumentative Essay

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“I’d like a tropical guava smoothie, please.” The cashier nods her head and gives me a smug look while she is putting a lid on a cup. I could tell what she was thinking. It was the universal someone-had-too-much-to-drink-last-night look. I could care less. A combination of dehydration, anxiety, excitement, and impatience fills me as I wait.
Neighboring UCSB, there sits a small town known as Isla Vista, which occupies two square miles within the city of Goleta, with a well established street known as Pardall Road, that houses several shops and restaurants, one of which is Blenders. Blenders is found tucked between a sandwich shop and surf shop. People who visit UCSB and Isla Vista always liken Blenders to Jamba Juice. I beg to differ. Jamba …show more content…

It’s the precise midpoint between my apartment and UCSB campus. At least once a week, my friend, Stephanie, calls me to grab drinks, and we would always decide on Blenders. A ten-minute walk to Blenders allows ample time for Stephanie and I to fill each other in on our day, discuss the problems we are currently facing, or procrastinate on homework. Our visits to Blenders became so frequent, the employees knew our name and order. The commotion and clamor inside the restaurant drowned our voices as we shared embarrassing stories that happened such as spilling the entire experiment during lab. Each Blenders visit helped mold our friendship. Our conversations grew deeper; we began discussing post-grad and career paths. One day, while waiting for our smoothies, I noticed Stephanie tapping her feet against the grey cement floors. Stephanie took a sip of her smoothie and revealed that she may not finish college in four years. Our short talk turned into an hour long discussion about which courses to take, if she needed to sign up for summer school, or if a fifth year was necessary. This conversation helped solidify our friendship. Now, I feel most comfortable sharing any problem with Stephanie during our strolls to Blenders. On the other hand, if I am meeting an acquaintance, Blenders is a great ice breaker and study break. While conducting interviews, I would invite our sorority pledges to Blenders. Who doesn’t like food and drinks? Most pledges are freshmen, so Blenders allows me to introduce a pledge to something new in Isla Vista. I can also get to know a new friend through her choice of beverage. Even better, the bustle in the background eliminates any awkward silence. The quick and speedy service allots an optimal time to familiarize with a new friend. I believe Blenders has magical powers, whether it’s to satisfy cravings, nurture the wounded, or bring people together. Blenders is the reason why I’m still functioning.

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