Recommended: My first aa meeting experience
Fabian Castaneda Mrs.Kehrmeyer Contemp. Comp April 25, 2015 The Problems With AA AA meetings are for people who are struggling with alcoholism which means they have an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency. I believe that these meetings are not helpful and in some cases cause harm the people who are trying to change and no longer alcoholics or drug addicts. These meetings do not have high success rates in fact they have very low rates.
Fraley, in her video, described how her mother was a major source of support for her while she was battling addiction. After her mother passed away and her son was placed in the system, SMART recovery groups took her mother's place in providing her a safe haven outside of her immediate family. Moreover, self-help groups can be an important component of treatment and recovery. Self-help groups offer individuals with substance use disorders the opportunity to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. This can provide a sense of community and a source of support for patients, which can be especially valuable during the recovery
While in rehab, Madeline meets other addicts who are emotionally damaged for a variety of different reasons. She struggles to stay sober in the world of high school, where alcohol and marijuana are easily available at every teen party. The point is made that unexpressed problems lead to addiction, and once an addict stops using, those problems are still there and must be addressed. This story also shows the real difficulty for an addict to stay sober. Sobriety is a “two steps forward, one step back” process that takes dedication, work, and patience.
The meeting was different than I expected. I expected a small group of people sitting in a circle and telling their stories and it was very different from that. It was an extremely positive place. There were people ranging in ages and people ranging on length of sobriety. Some people there have been sober for over 25 years and some people had less than a week
The positive social factors related to the client Daniel were utilized in conjunction with the completion of his treatment plan. Daniel will have the opportunity to attend SAIOP within the VA, gain resources to develop healthy coping mechanisms, and will gain a significant amount of knowledge related to excessive alcohol, and illicit drug consumption. Positive aspects of Daniel’s high regard for his Higher Power who is God, caused his treatment provider to employ Bibliotherapy and Music Therapy in his treatment. In addition, Daniel’s support system will be involved in the treatment
I chose this particular group because it was an open meeting and they welcomed anyone. The man running the group, was a member himself, and was very welcoming. The meeting started with the AA promise and 12 steps, which I believe they start every meeting with. There was not one specific topic focused
My initial perception of the members in the room is that some members may be shy to disclose their stories, but was amazed that everyone came forth in the room to discuss their shortcoming. Furthermore, I did not have any stereotypes perception about alcoholism since I am aware that alcoholism is a disease that affects the brain. My understanding about alcoholism was confirmed by the various client verbalization of their stories and problems associated with
For my site visit I decided to go to a Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting. The meeting I choose was held at St George 's Episcopal Church on 915 North Oakland Street in Arlington. The meeting was on Saturday February the 27th at 6:30 pm. Alcoholics Anonymous are based on a twelve step program designed to help people with their addictions. It is open to anyone no matter their religious affiliation, age, gender, etc. and supports itself through donations.
I was interested in hearing stories and experiences of those who struggled with drug addiction. I wondered if I would receive any insight regarding my family members who have suffered from drug addiction. Going into the meeting, I was prepared to introduce myself if necessary and did not hold feelings of anxiety regarding the potential necessity for introduction. Upon arrival, I noticed a big church with various entrances. I was unsure where to enter and did not want to enter into the wrong door.
I attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, NA, on Tuesday, April 28 from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm. The meeting was held at Northeastern University’s Ell Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to give people with drug addiction a space to talk about their struggles, successes, and stories and provide a community to offer support. In the meeting I attended, the program began with several readings followed by the introductions of new comers. There was a chip ceremony where chips indicating a specific time of sobriety were given to recipients; no one received a chip at this meeting.
She then tells her client if she thinks they do indeed have a problem. She suggests they read “The Disease Concept” and informs them about Alcoholics Anonymous. No one can change until they are ready. Once they are ready to work on their issue Mislak targets the beginning of the addiction and the kinds of emotions tied with that point using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and feelings state addiction protocol. She goes through three phases, targeting the positive emotions alcohol provided, targeting the earliest memory the client had of not feeling a sense of normalcy and belonging with alcohol, and how the addiction impacted the client’s life.
As I spoon JIF creamy peanut butter and Breyers coffee ice cream into my mouth I contemplate my AA meeting. I purchased the Alcoholics Anonymous book a few months ago when you told me about the group therapy opportunity. The book is a little bit boring or maybe it’s too long and I get discouraged. Anyways, I was extremely excited to go to my first AA meeting.
Our 12-Step Workshops include Big Book Studies, AA Meetings, Personal Step Work, and tips on how to find a good Sponsor Match. We also have individuals, who have overcome addiction, and desire to give back, that are able to act as temporary sponsors
45). As the group begins there are several stages the group will transition though, the beginning stage is the time for introduction of each member, what each member fears to revel in the sessions, and setting an agenda between member to proceed to the working stage (p.36). Transitioning the group though the working stage involves allowing member to discuss issues pertaining to the session, allowing for each member to engage in the conversations, and controlling the group member who attempt to take over the session and discuss only their problems (Jacobs, Schimmel, Masson, & Harvill, n.d.,
Advice from group leaders, as well as other substance abusers, helps not only in rectifying issues but in building trust and rapport when confronting additional issues, as a team. The versatility of a prudent solution for one member can also help in resolving the issues of many members at once, which also helps in