Group Counseling And Therapy Groups Paper

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The type of group I feel would be the most challenging to lead would be, counseling and therapy groups, which focuses on teenage sexual perversion in males. Since the fact that many of the sexual offenders are court mandated may not be forth coming in sharing their feelings, and experiences. In a group setting a client may feel vulnerable in discussing what they had done, court involvement, and their charges. In a group setting dealing with teenage sexual pervasion some client’s may feel that they have been unfairly treated by the court system, and feel that group counseling sessions are a waste of time. For example, a 17-year-old male, who is in state custody, due to sexual perversion, feels as though he has done no wrong. The male may feel that others are at fault, and will not accept responsibility for his actions. This type of client may try to single out weaker clients in the group, try and discuss other client’s sexual charges instead of his own. This type of client may prove to be a …show more content…

45). As the group begins there are several stages the group will transition though, the beginning stage is the time for introduction of each member, what each member fears to revel in the sessions, and setting an agenda between member to proceed to the working stage (p.36). Transitioning the group though the working stage involves allowing member to discuss issues pertaining to the session, allowing for each member to engage in the conversations, and controlling the group member who attempt to take over the session and discuss only their problems (Jacobs, Schimmel, Masson, & Harvill, n.d.,

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