Student Intern Reflection

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Chapter 3. Learning as a Student Intern
3.1 Being a part of the Media Mark
As an intern I joined the finance department of Media Mark 7th of July 2014, a perfect day to take a start in the corporate world. I was first introduced to the manager of Accounts department sir Imran khan who affectionately welcomed me to the Media Mark. He briefly gave me an insight into the entire finance department and gave me a snapshot about the working of each department I was explained about the subdivision of finance department in Media Mark. I found out that in Media Mark there are two main sub division which are financial account first is operation and second is budgeting and planning .The former one includes; inventory department, receivable, accounts payables, network …show more content…

So I have also prepared by the bank statement during the internship.
 Receiving vouchers
Receiving vouchers of the approved cheques was also amongst the duties assigned to me. I used to receive the cheques and distribute them to the concerned personals or hand over the persons who came inquiring, after verification
 Summary Preparation
I prepared a summary on authorities of delegation in which I briefly stated how much authority lies on the higher in approving a payment
 Payment processing system
I was given a task by the manger to understand and then prepare an outline on the payment processing system.
 Voucher’s verification
Verifying voucher while preparing cheques and prepared cheques was also a duty assigned by the assistant manager
 Task Based report
I finally prepared a task report based on the entire employees of payable department of what functions they are performing and as to whether they are efficient enough or not and in my opinion what further improvement they need.

3.3 New Knowledge

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