Reflective Account Essay

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Reflective Analytical Account. The aim of the lecture was to explore the role of Compassion within SCPHN practice. Throughout the session we followed and discussed the Francis Report, the Compassion In Practice (6C’s) strategy and the 2016 nursing strategy. In this reflective account I shall be referring to Gibbs (1998) Model of Reflection to enable me to identify how my own practice might develop from discussing compassion in practice in the session. As teams increasingly work across disciplines in an integrated way, the 6 c’s - are being adopted by clinicians and non-clinicians in a development that we call ‘The 6 c’s are for everyone’ (NHS England, 2014). Compassion in practice was launched in December 2012 and reviewed in 2014 to see how the values are spreading across health and social care. Each of the 6Cs – care, …show more content…

According to Hogston and Simpson (2002, p398) reflection is "a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to better describe, analyse and evaluate, and so inform learning about practice". Wolverson (2000, p24) includes this is an important process for all nurses wishing to improve their practice. I hope that by using reflection I will be able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. This will enable me to focus on particular learning goals and benefit more from my placements. Driscoll (2000, p17) states that reflective learning will help you become more self-aware in your clinical practice. ‘Compassion in Practice’ is a policy introduced in England to develop a culture of compassionate practice among healthcare staff. By reflecting on compassion in practice, I can raise recommendations for my own practice on how the School Nurse can improve practice relating to evidence-based care. Raelin (2002) states that reflective practice should not only be at a personal level but also as a collective