Reflective Definition

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urther, by admitting to having made mistakes themselves and to not having all the answers (Senge 1990). Perhaps on occasion, I do that too much as more than once students have demanded that I just make it easy and give them the answer when I have said, why don 't we find out together. Accepting and managing frustration is just part of the job, passive learning is never the goal, after all it 's learning to find solutions that is important in clinical training not just obtaining the answers, how else will they manage once qualified. Empowered practitioners including osteopaths view learning as a lifelong experience; they are open to observing their peers and to being observed. They are eager to discuss their practice, as clinical tutors we can build rapport with our students by sharing …show more content…

As students and educators encounter dissonance in their daily professional practice, the process of reflection can help them frame their understanding of their world in new ways, potentially changing their behaviour (clinical or professional) and actions. The thoughtful consideration of professional actions is a dialectical process in which thoughts and actions are interdependently linked. Schön (1988) describes the thoughtful process as "a dialogue of thinking and doing through which people become more skilful.” Reflection can become a dominant force in students workplace learning and can help them make sense of their work. If trust is the foundation of clinical training or supervision and empowerment is its aim, then the role of a clinical teacher is to improve learning and clinical confidence by encouraging and guiding self-reflections, while maintaining cordial and beneficial relationships with their students (ERIC Development