Personal Narrative: My Trip To Ethiopia

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I visited many countries during my life and the 6 months I spent in Ethiopia left a deep mark in me.
With enchanted landscapes, wonderful people, fast growing cities, a very delicate political situation, unique world heritages, Ethiopia is able to capture, shock and thrill you, and at the same time it makes you reflect deeply.

As usual, I collected information on the country I was about to explore, with no real expectations, though. I would have never expected to receive so much from one of the poorest countries in the world.

Ethiopia is a land of continuous surprise and discovery. Among its highlands, valleys and lakes, this country reveals unique and spectacular places, able sometimes to take your breath away. There may be …show more content…

Thanks to the no-profit humanitarian organization MOXA I had the opportunity o visit many missions in various areas of the country, discovering extremely hard situations and meeting extraordinary people. People who are proud, dignified, deeply attached to family and fraternity values and with a strong bond with their community.

It was the relationship with those people, sharing the everyday life and getting to know incredible situations that pushed me to create ‘A walk along Ethiopia’, with a twofold goal: letting people learn more about the country and its people by trying to convey some of the emotions and experiences I went through, and at the same time helping some of the millions of people who live in extreme poverty.

This book offers a slice of everyday life of the country through photographs, accounts and stories lived in close contact with its people. It is like a path, divided into chapters, that leads the reader towards a better overview of one of the most controversial, ancient and fascinating countries in the