Reflective Essay: My Writing Journey

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Writing is like a journey. Writing is a long path with many obstacles and many accomplishes but once I reach the end of my journey I will be an expert to take on my next. As I took my first few steps onto this path, I did not know what I was getting myself into. My first day in, I saw a sign on my path that said, “turn around now while you have the chance.” The sign appeared when the twenty-one page syllabus was smacked onto my desk, I immediately wanted to turn around and run back home. I took a few nights to rethink my decision on taking the course. The words “If you do not have time, whether it’s working long hours or sports, you should reconsider this class” rang through my ears. I lacked time in my life. Working over thirty hours a week …show more content…

The whole class was warned on the assignment and feared the near apparence of it. The Investigative Report was now assigned to the classroom. Research papers have always been an assignment that I have struggle with over the past few years. The Investigative Report required us to choose an issue and in precise terms make clear why the issue needs to be investigated. The assignment also required convincing facts and details to help readers understand how the issue affects different groups. Not only did this paper have to be 1500-1800 words but it also needed research and documentation. Once again, time management was lacked in the process. At the time this assignment was given we were settled into the school year. With this being said, juggling school work, a job, and this class, I did not have any time for this paper. My Investigative Report did not meet the page length, audience identification, nor revision. I did not show any improvement in this assignment and once again received a 74 just like my profile. I realized at that moment I wasn’t fixing my issue and needed to change my act if I wanted to do this class. Luckily, I had the opportunity to rewrite this paper. For my topic, I chose Alzheimer’s Disease and their caregivers. The purpose of my report was to inform new family caregivers about the disease and what they are about to face. To revise this assignment I took the comment left by the instructor of the course to boost myself up the rubric. The audience needed clarification of lacking information in very important parts. A very important part of my report was the stages in which an Alzheimer’s patient goes through. I explained the stages but I lacked information on what they would experience and how their assistance was needed. To add more information, I had to look up more information from different sources and make sure the source was appropriate by apply to C.R.A.A.P