Reflection In Criminal Justice

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As a criminal justice major, I was able to take numerous courses that thoroughly analyzed the many aspects of our country’s prison system. These courses taught me that in a system where oppression is rampant, social injustice will also be prevalent. Particularly, the issues of death by incarceration, racial disparities and the prioritization of punitive measures rather than treatment filled me with an indescribable rage. Consequently, my frustration left me with a sense of disappointment and hopelessness and led to me to question whether social equality would ever prevail. This mindset changed after I had the honor of being selected to participate in the Inside-Out Prison Exchange service-learning course. There was no experience comparable …show more content…

Over the course of the three semesters, I researched how specific factors influence the actions of young individuals. Such factors included socioeconomic status, peer interaction and other environmental factors. By testing out various hypotheses and analyzing data, I was able to see the way in which different circumstances affect the daily actions and behavior of youth. The juvenile justice system was originally established with the focal point being the rehabilitation of our youth. Different environmental factors are often overlooked during the sentencing of juveniles resulting in harsh punishments in efforts to control crime. In recent years, changes have occurred in efforts to revert the focal point back to rehabilitate individuals within the juvenile justice system. With a Juris Doctorate, I aspire to continue fighting for a system that is rehabilitative in nature and strives towards successful reentry of our youth into …show more content…

Sentences that allow for the redemption and treatment of juveniles rather than a response to control crime. By going to law school, I am hoping to gain a valuable education that will keep me on my path of fighting for the rights of those who are marginalized in our society. An education that will leave a lasting impact on me in the same way that my experiences and courses at Saint Joseph's University were able to do so. I am looking forward to the meaningful experiences that will continue to challenge me to use my privilege to fight systemic oppression in every way that I am able to. My past experiences have shown me that with passion, dedication and hard work, I will be able to face the challenges of a law school experience at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. I am certain that furthering my education at this institution will provide me everything necessary to become a successful juvenile defense attorney. I am ready to take on this new challenge and experience of pursuing a law degree so that I can make gradual progress towards establishing equality for a better