Reflective Essay On My Questbridge College Match Application

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I learned about Colorado College when looking for potential schools to rank on my QuestBridge College Match application. When I was about eight years old while visiting family in New Mexico we went on a road trip to Colorado. I remember even at the age of eight loving it there. We only spent a few days in Colorado, but I remember wishing I could have stayed much, much longer. When I saw Colorado College as a QuestBridge partner school it caught my attention because of my fond memories of Colorado. I began to research more about CC and found I agree with much of your vision. While going through this stressful application period in my first semester of senior year, I discovered much about myself. To answer many questions on my application, I found myself in deep bouts of introspective …show more content…

I came to the conclusion that while not having an official block plan at my school, I learned more when I was able to focus on a single subject. The best example of this is my second semester of senior year. My class was assigned to write a history paper on the 1960’s. I chose to write about the Vietnam War and its effects within America. By the time, I was done I had learned everything there was to know about the Vietnam War, but the most enjoyable part about writing that paper was not the historical facts. I developed as a person while writing the paper. I was not bogged down by other work and so I had a lot of time to think and reflect on the events of the Vietnam War. My opinion of war and anti-war movements became much more fleshed out. I reflected on political propaganda used at the time and compared it to more recent wars. I became a more well-rounded person with a deeper understanding of the world I live in because I had the time to focus on the Vietnam War and learn things from it I would never have been able to if I had to focus on math, science, and English at the same

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