The topic I choose is Race, Gender, and Education, I chose this topic because it focuses directly on the person and how its outlook on life can change a person perspective on education race and gender, and affected me directly thought my schooling especially my time in higher education. I want to focus on the gray areas in race and education that sometimes go unnoticed even by myself sometimes, especially as I further my education, and flourish as an individual. I chose this specific angle because, I’ve have learned a lot growing up on how my own race and gender does impact my opportunity as a black female to flourish in my career, especially after learning at through my mentors and family members that race and gender do have a huge impact …show more content…
I realized early on that some of these questions usually come from African Americans themselves rather not see their own race and how they were able to say that they didn’t get to their own position on their own without any help and they also could help others. When it comes to the people I meet, especially whether it be in or out of academia, and when meeting people that do know my financial background, and other aspects of my life. “Will you be able to afford this education for blank institution” or “what can my mentor teach me that other people cannot” I’ve always been asked the weirdest question that doesn’t even describe me as a person or my intelligence. I have been often wondered if I was physically okay or questioning. I realized early on that my race and gender counts for almost everything I do on the outside for everyone to see. My opportunity to flourish in society shouldn’t be dictated on my gender or skin tone, when it should be built on my intelligence and character what the things I can produce with my education, not my gender and