Reflective Essay On Social Justice

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As far as I concerned, there is nothing of a so-called individual justice, but this is opposite to state certainly that social justice do not exist as well. Social justice by definition is “a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society.” (Wikipedia). This should be broken down into smaller part that contributes to the society: individual. Individual is not born fair. For instance, there have been numerous industrious students who live in harsh places, suffering from natural disasters like those in Central Area of Vietnam that they live constantly on the verge of losing equipment for studying or even their family members. If putting the situation of those aforementioned students in comparison with those in urban area, it comes as no surprise to me that the large proportion of city students achieve their goals easier than that of their rural and poor counterparts. Plus, the fact that my father comes from Quang Tri, a poor province in Vietnam, has inspired me to participate in charity events and club for monetary-shortage students nationally. The first official charity club I participated in during my junior and senior year in high school names Life Under Bridge (LUB) as a member of Public Relations, although I have joined many charity events since primary school. Also, in the last summer, my contribution to Book For You, the charity event that called for textbooks donation for poor students nationally, was recognised by having a silver star in my