
Reflective Essay Polishing The Shining Passion Of Students

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My experience this semester in College Writing R1A is unique compared to my past experiences in other writing classes. This new learning environment has helped me develop numerous skills as a reader and writing that I have not realized before. As a reader, I realized that making opinions and connecting personal experiences to a text not only enhances my understanding of the writer’s purpose but provides me with an enjoyment of connecting the readings to my personal experiences. While reading, I also notice that writers are not expressing their opinions only by providing relevant evidence with coherent reasoning. Writers must be attentive to their audience’s doubts and worries using numerous strategies. These strategies I found in my experience as a reader has trickled down into my writing. I was able to use many different strategies, paragraph placement, and paragraph structure to find the optimal way to strongly capture the audience’s attention and effectively refute the audience’s doubts.
The first book I read in this class was Lyubomirsky’s The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Back then I did not anticipate that this book would …show more content…

In my personal essay I explored using a narrative style with descriptive detail and some exposition to keep the audience entertained. In the argumentative paper written to an opposition audience, I paid close attention to the audience’s thought process when reading my paper to continuously mention the audience’s doubts in a specific and effective order later to refute it to keep the audience convinced. Overall, through reading and writing, I was able to understand the importance of keeping the audience attentive and convinced using various

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