Reflective Essay: What I Learned In My Writing Class

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Thinking back to Comp I, there were many highs and lows during the course. I went into the class thinking that it could not be that hard since numerous people take the class each semester. I considered myself a well-rounded writer, but I quickly discovered that there were many sections in my writing process that I needed to improve. I never made lower than a 90 on my final drafts, but I was still striving to make a 100. During the course, I found my weaknesses, overcame my difficulties, and achieved my top goal. Going from a tenth grade English course to a college level English was a change I underestimated. I wrote the first paper, and receive a ten out of ten. My confidence about the course continued to grow, until I wrote the second paper. I received an 80 on the rough draft, and to other people that might have seemed like a good grade, but I had never received a grade lower than an A on papers before. I realized that one of my weaknesses was the strength of my writing. I was not writing my papers at a level high enough for college. My vocabulary was very low, and the structures of my papers were immature. After receiving guidance from the …show more content…

I knew all the basic rules for using commas, but I could never seem to apply them the right way when writing my essays. My teacher at school, Mrs. Fleming, gave the class several lessons on using commas correctly, and I understood the rules. Every time I wrote a new paper there would be at least five marks on commas. After the midterm, I paid more attention to the way I wrote my sentences and proofread my papers more times than I could count to make sure my comma errors were no longer a problem. With every paper the marks on comma continued to decrease, and my grades continued to increase. Even though I still make mistakes when it comes to commas, I have greatly improved my grammar