Reflective Narrative Clinic Session

402 Words2 Pages
Akata Patel
Reflective Narrative

1. Name, Location, & Date and Time of Clinic Session
Akata Patel; Senior Operative Clinic; Wednesday, August 31st, 2016; 1:00 – 2:35 PM

2. Describe the procedure I assisted with
Core build up with composite on #32

3. Summarize the course of events
Anesthesia was not achieved quickly. Two carpals were needed compared to the usual one carpal to numb the patient. Later in the procedure, the patient needed a third carpal because the numbness was wearing off. The patient had a fracture on #32; the patient also had an amalgam filling on it. The amalgam filling was taken away, and the core and fracture was built up with composite. In the future, the patient will need a crown on #32.

4. Reflection
The experience

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