Reflective Statement Persepolis

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Persepolis Reflective Statement
How was your understanding of the cultural and contextual considerations of “Persepolis” developed through the interactive oral?

My understanding and exploration of Persepolis, the tale of young Iranian girl was looked at through a feminist lense, therefore noticing the cultural differences and the role of women in Iran in contrast to that of my own. However, I also was interested by the role of religion in the book which was omnipresent.
As Satrapi’s childhood unfolds throughout the war, we continually see how women are mistreated through both culture and religion. Women were not allowed to wear makeup and had to always wear the veil. With this, however, many women were frustrated and wanted to express themselves through clothing and would often rebel sometimes showing a bit of hair. For the most part, the Sisters of the Revolution were mostly enforcing the law, but there were also many policemen. One such policemen told Satrapi that she could not run because her butt made too much movement. This is an obscene statement and should not have been tolerated. Throughout the whole book there is an underlying tone of religion which would resurface in when Satrapi’s existentialist views would emerge. These …show more content…

Her emotional state frequently changes throughout the memoir, as she grows and experiences life in a different way. Each panel is strategically drawn with different black and white accents to further the reader’s ideas and help them to understand what is going on throughout the memoir. The black and white is juxtaposed to emphasize certain events that are more or less significant in her life. Each panel throughout the graphic novel is stylistically brimming with color, panel size, openness of the panel, exaggerated expression and use of white space to reinforce her emotional state throughout