Register To Vote Essay

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I decided to register to vote in the end of August. The whole process of registering was a lot easier than I was expecting. I went online to find the paper copy to print of and mail into the courthouse and found an online option for registering. I decided I would do that instead, because my handwriting is messy, I’m impatient, and I don’t have a lot of confidence in the mailing system. I was expecting a giant form about three pages long that I would have to fill out about myself in order to receive my voter registration and it was way shorter. Instead of taking me about a half hour like I was expecting it only took me about ten minutes. All you have to fill out is the basics; where you live, what your name is, your social security number, ensure you are old enough, enter a number off of your driver’s license, and enter the political party you are in if you desire. Registering to vote is very important for the function and prosperity of our country. Our democracy relies off of citizen involvement, and a major way to be involved is through voting. It is a way for your voice to be heard by the larger …show more content…

We vote for a representative that has beliefs we agree with and that we trust will have our best interests in mind. From then on the representatives have to do their job and represent what we, the voters, want to happen within the government. This system was put into place because it isn’t reasonable to have everyone vote on every subject; there are too many of us nothing would get accomplished. Another, important reason to have this system is because not every citizen is educated on all of the issues at hand, and could potentially vote for something that could cause a huge problem later. The representatives have been well educated in the issues that the government has to deal with, and will make the correct decision for the prosperity of our country and please those who voted for