Short Summary: The America Votes Act Of 2015

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Hasan Ibrahim
GOVT 2305
Professor Moore
29th November 2015

The America Votes Act of 2015
“The America Votes Act of 2015 allows qualified voters who do not have identification documents required by their state to sign a sworn statement authenticate to their identification in order to cast a basic ballot at the polls.” This legislation does not acquire any other federal law on voting. As of March 2015, two-thirds of states had passed laws requiring some kind of identification from people at the polls requires any state subject to this identification requirement to prepare a pre-printed version of the statement which includes a blank space for a citizen to give a name and signature. Make copies of the pre-printed version available at polling …show more content…

The main sponsor of the bill was Representative Rick Larsen, who is a democrat. All the 67 cosponsors of the legislation are democrats like Representative Joyce Beatty, who was a cosponsor of the bill since it was first introduced, and Representative Alan S. Lowenthal, who recently joined the cosponsors for this bill. This legislation itself is liberal in my opinion. Because as everybody can see the sponsor and all the cosponsors are democrats which gives a clear image that the bill is liberal. In addition to that, the bill introduced a law that is modern to the American society which also supports the claim that it’s liberal. This bill amends to help (America Vote Act of 2002) to allow an individual needed to present identification to be able to vote in a federal election by presenting the right state or local election official with a sworn written statement. The bill is still introduced and did not pass the house yet. This bill, from my point of view, should pass the house and become a law, because it benefits the American society and makes the voting process more legit and secure. This legislation will also make it easier on the citizens in voting and election process. I believe that it does not motivate any political disagreement with the president. As it was mentioned before, this legislation was introduced to amend the America vote act of 2002. That is the main goal of this …show more content…

The question that is always asked, is this bill worth the money that has been raised to it? Or in other words, is the bill guaranteed to pass the house and be granted the permission by the congress? In this case the bill is most likely to get pass the house and be accepted by the congress and become a law, because this legislation touches a very sensitive part of the society. However, I said most likely because there are more important legislations that are almost guaranteed to pass. These legislations most likely deals with military and terrorism matters, and such things are sensitive and more important to the government than other

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