Regulatory Compliance

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The United States was founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty puts the American citizen in control of making decisions that will affect our lives. God our creator even gave us free will to make choses for ourselves. More and more by government regulations and laws our freedoms are being taking away in an effort to protect us from ourselves.
Thomas Jefferson put it best in his first inaugural address “the sum of good government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another and shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.” Of course we need laws and regulations in this country, however government intervention in business and are personal lives has gotten …show more content…

According to Economists site several reasons that regulation hurts small business. Regulatory compliance puts a disproportionately large burden on small companies because the fixed costs of adhering to rules cannot be spread out as it can in large firms. The per employee cost of complying with Federal regulations for businesses with fewer than 20 employees at just over $10,000 but just slightly over $7,000 for businesses with more than 499 workers. Government regulations make small businesses less competitive against foreign competition. The addition of new regulations creates uncertainty, which keeps small business owners from hiring and investing. The new health care law has created a tremendous burden on small businesses it has also created an unrelated tax filing that imposes heavy compliance costs on small business owners, an outcome that even surprised many in Congress who voted to pass the …show more content…

Constitution was voted into law making the sale, consumption and distribution of alcohol illegal. Supporters of the law said it would improve health and hygiene, reduce crime and corruption, reduce the tax burden created by poorhouses and prisons and solve social problems in America. By all accounts Prohibition had failed and was repealed on December 5, 1933. After close to fifty years it is safe to say that marijuana prohibition and the war on drugs has also failed. The United States has around 4.8% of the world’s population, however it holds the record for prisoners with almost 25% of the worlds prison population. This is a direct result of the war of drugs. Approximately seven hundred and fifty thousand people are arrested each year for marijuana possession. Marijuana should