Rejecting All Lies, By Sissela Bok

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“Tell the truth.” Everyone has heard that countless times before. Since we were young we have been taught that telling anything but the honest truth is never acceptable; however, lying has appeared to play a massive part in society. It has effects in people’s daily lives such as teenagers taking a parent’s car and saying they went to the car wash when really it was taken for a joy ride, all the way back to ancient times where the Greeks lied about the Trojan horse being a gift when really it was just a cover for an attack. It is acceptable for lying to occur among today 's society due to its ability to preserve dignity, provide safety, and protect important relationships. Telling lies is reasonable during cases where an individual needs to …show more content…

Many view lying as a bad behavior or a sin, however, lying is a lifesaver. Just a few words, alone, can save an innocent soul from being harmed, severely hurt, or even killed. A simple sentence of apocryphal words can be a significant matter between life and death. Eighteenth century German Philosopher, Immanuel Kant, was antagonistic towards lying. He despised of it. Although, according to Sissela Bok, author of the excerpt “Rejecting All Lies: Immanuel Kant”, Kant occasionally vindicates lying. That is with the “idea that any generous motive, any threat to life, could excuse a lie” (Bok). Kant, was very anti lying, yet, was a well educated man. He was an intelligent man who acknowledged that lying is extremely acceptable when necessary and satisfactory in a situation that involves danger or harm. Dishonest statements are not always acceptable, however, “Anne Frank survived as long as she did because those sheltering her and her family lied to the Nazis” (Gray). Therefore, if the occasion depends on a matter of life or death, or if an individual is in serious trouble, it is admissible to lie. Lying was what kept Anne Frank and her family safe and proved how reasonable lying can be, if a matter or life or death and how it can be utilized to protect a person or …show more content…

Society would fail if everyone were to tell the truth because it would destroy relationships. In essence, lying is sufficient in certain situations where it is benefiting others. Not giving the truth can be allowed because it will be able to maintain morality. In addition, forging honesty can administer security and keep meaningful connections. Not all lies should be regarded as lousy due to the fact that they can be beneficial for both the liar and the one being lied to. Lies can help avoid unnecessary conflicts and protect people 's privacy. Although many people dream of a perfect and honest world, today’s society would not be able to function without