Relationship Between Globalization And Human Rights

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The relation between globalization development and human rights depends on analysis the concept of development and human rights, especially in the context of developing countries,human rights have become an integral part of the process of globalization in many ways.
The Human Development Report of 1997 revealed that poor countries and poor people too often find their interests neglected as a result of globalization. Although globalization of the economy has been characterized as a locomotive for productivity, opportunity, technological progress, and uniting the world, it ultimately causes increased impoverishment, social disparities and violations of human rights and that is what we see today.
International human rights law aims primarily to protect individuals and groups from abusive action by states and state agents,recent developments throughout the world, including failed states, economic deregulation, privatization, and trade liberalization across borders components of what has come to be known as globalization have led to the emergence of powerful non-state actors who have resources sometimes greater than those of many states their are Two opposing views of globalization and its relationship to human rights have emerged: some see the two topics as mutually reinforcing and positive in improving human well-being, while others view globalization as posing new threats not adequately governed by existing international human rights law. globalization has enhanced the ability

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