Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet In Romeo and Juliet Act one Scene one, Sampson and Gregory, two servants for the Capulets are walking down the street in Verona. On the other side of the street are the Montagues also walking down the street. The Capulets start talking about how much they hate the Montagues. As the Montagues are walking past the Capulets, Sampson bites his thumb at the Montagues. They then start arguing which leads to a fight. The fight breaks out and Benvolio comes over to try to stop the fight, but Tybalt starts fighting Benvolio. The Prince hears about the Capulets and Montagues fighting, so he comes down the streets of Verona and tells them if a fight breaks out again that he will come after and kill Lord Capulet and Montague. The