Relationship Between The RSL Or The Returned And Services League Of Australia

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RSL or the Returned and Services League of Australia is a well-known and respected league objected to “promoting the interests and welfare of serving and ex-serving men and women of Australian Defence Force (ADF) and their dependants” (RSL Constitution, 2018, pg. __). This is proven through their care of sick and elderly as well as their assistant to provide medical treatment, accommodation and other types of welfare to not only their members but to all that served and are serving the ADF and their dependants. They are considered the united voice of the ADF in 1916, after World War I when there was a need to protest against the limited government support for the returned servicemen. The RSL overall lobby the government to provide welfare services …show more content…

A sense of belonging from the Service members can be shown not only in their formal paperwork, but also on an informal emotional level through an unwritten bond of relatability, pain and mateship formed from their shared experiences on the battlefield. Belongingness also develops in affiliate members through a shared, intense emotional pain of their loved one or family member dying, participating or injured in the ADF. Social members also share the desire to support the purpose of the RSL to develop a sense of belonging. The RSL as a whole has a strong sense of belongingness since they all formally are a member and informally share a common experience and …show more content…

Not only do they dedicate their effort and time, but they are obligated to pay $35 annually for their memberships, contributing to their unselfish acts. It should also be noted that Maslow’s Theory states that only people in self-actualisation can act unselfishly, since it is the only stage which gains motivation for satisfying needs and prone to giving and helping other people, which perfectly describes the actions of most social members. Therefore, because social members have no affiliation to the servicemen, and volunteer to serve “an organisation committed to selfless service on behalf of the nation” (RSL, 2018), we can safely assume that many social members of the RSL have satisfied their deficiency needs and have reached