Relationship Between The Witches And Lady Macbeth

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In the play Macbeth by Shakespere the main character Macbeth goes through many changes and ends up being an almost completely different person by the end. The two main Influences that attribute to corrupting him are Lady Macbeth and the witches. Lady Macbeth manipulates him using negative reinforcement, while the witches simply plant a thought and watch it overtake him.
Lady Macbeth uses Macbeth’s love as a tool to get him to murder the king by saying “From this time, such I account my love” this means that if he doesn’t do it he doesn’t love her. She also calls him a coward “Nor time, nor place did then adhere… They have made themselves and that there fitness now does unmake you.”(Act 1, Scene 7, 51-54). This negative reinforcement helped

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