Fahrenheit 451 is a novel written by Ray Brabury. The novel is set in a dystopic future and focuses on a society that is in the middle of a nuclear war. The government has outlawed books and it sends firefighters to regulate the law. However, the firefighters in Fahrenheit 451 don’t stop the fire, they start it. If the firefighters find a person in possession of a book, they will burn they book and maybe the person along with it. The relationships that are formed in the Fahrenheit 451 society are different to ours today. These relationships in the novel are important to our society, because we can learn from them and make better ones. In the Fahrenheit 451 society, relationships have become influenced by technology. Instead of interacting with other people, the characters just interact with technology. The parlor is a set of walls that can be installed into a house. Those walls project electronic human faces that can interact with the …show more content…
Today, relationships are considered to be verbal person to person interactions. Everybody needs to have these social interactions with other people. These verbal interactions create an exchange of ideas between people. This exchange of ideas allows for our society to grow and prosper. Without these interactions our society would move towards the Fahrenheit society. Even though our relationships are more developed than the Fahrenheit relationships, our relationships are becoming more technology based. More people use their phones to communicate than ever before. When we meet people, we tend to look at our phones rather than the person we are with. If our society could learn from the relationships in the Fahrenheit society, we could improve relationships. This improvement would come at the expense of technology, however, it would keep our society from traveling down the dystopic path towards the Fahrenheit