
Religion Interview Questions

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“When I say the word spirituality, what does the word mean to you?”

When asked this question, the person I interviewed answered that she thought of God specifically because she is spiritual in that sense. This did in fact correlate with the answered themes, which included God, faith, religion, being one with nature, and church.

2. “How is spirituality important in your life?”

When asked this question, the person I was interviewing specifically stated that spirituality gives her purpose for life. She also stated that when things don’t make sense, that is what she relies on to help her move past a situation she cannot deal with on her own. In comparison to the answered themes, which gave examples such as prayer, keeping in touch with self, …show more content…

“Are there people, activities, resources, that help you meet your spiritual needs?”

When asked this question, the person I was interviewing stated that she mainly uses her bible and also that she journals daily- which includes reflection, gratitude, and prayer. She also stated that she attends church when she can, but that is not her main source of expressing her spirituality. When comparing her answer to the answered themes, which included examples such as the church, synagogue, family, cultural experiences, and friendship, her answer once again matched up.

4. “In what way might your definition of spirituality be applied to your life?”

When I asked this question to the person I was interviewing, she once again mentioned that spirituality directly relates to all in life that she doesn’t understand or can’t explain. In relation to the answered themes, which expressed that it was related to respect for life/creation of life, her answer once again was parallel because indeed, she does give credit for the creation of life and the understanding of it due to spirituality.

5. “How has spirituality influenced your …show more content…

However, she also stated she never regretted these hardships, because if it weren’t for them she would have never pursued the amazing relationship she now has with God. When looking at the answered themes, which included experiences of difficult situations and out-of-body-experiences, this once again- while not directly, but in general did correlate to her own hardships

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