Religion: Jesus As The Son Of God

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Easter is a festival which is celebrated between the end of March to the middle of April. According to our class information package containing information from:

Lego clip Atonement text: Eugene H. Merrill
Jesus as the Son of God:
Salvation from sin:
Holy week:
Edexel GCSE Religious studies Christianity, Persson company 2009
Religious studies Christianity: beliefs about God: BBC - GCSE Bitesize

Easter is a christian tradition and in this religion christians only believe in one God. He is not ordinary, he is holy, which means special, different and separated. Trinity is the three different ways of being God, -God the son, -God the father and -God the holy spirit.
The root of Easter starts far back in the Roman time with a women named Mary, who gave birth to a boy named Jesus. Mary became pregnant through the holy spirit. Jesus was born in a normal way and was born as God’s only son. Because Jesus was born to Mary, a human, and as God’s son. Jesus is divine, half human, half God/both human and God. The belief that God came down to earth as a human, as Jesus, is called the incarnation. The incarnation of Jesus is important because it showed God was Jesus father and it showed Jesus divine nature. …show more content…

Which symbolizes peace on earth. Jesus was nailed on a cross which is called crucifixion and died on the cross after many hours of