
Religion Unit 1 Summary

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Unit One Study Sheet
Similarities In All Religions:
One Ultimate - The End Days - Life After Death, & Rewards
Play Nice, Be Nice - One Mother, One Origin - Messiah, Sacrifice

Origins of Religion:
1) Animistic Theory
Springs from the efforts of humans to explain the mysterious behaviour of nature (thunder)
Believe in spirits dwelling in inanimate objects (mountains)
2) Emotional Need
Springs from the emotional need for comfort in the face of suffering and evil
“No atheists in foxholes” theory
3) Utilitarian Theory
Function of religion is the preservation of social unity and enforcement of group norms …show more content…

He then placed growing pea pod plants within the Earth. In 5 days, a man popped out of one of the pea pod plants. Seeing the man’s hunger and loneliness, Raven created both animals and a woman for the

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