Religious Allegory In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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You’re stranded on an island with a few others. There is plenty of food, water, and material for shelter. Would you and your fellow castaways embrace this as a potential heaven or will you fall into the temptations of evil, causing the fall of civilized society? This is the scenario that William Golding places us into in his well-renowned book, Lord of the Flies. This novel is filled with many allegories and allusions, most of these opposing the savagery of war. One of the most prevalent allegories in this novel would be religious allegory, specifically to the Bible. The theme of duality supports Lord of the Flies as a religious allegory by establishing strong contradictions between Jack and Ralph, The lagoon and Castle Rock, and Simon and …show more content…

The strong difference between the lagoon and Castle Rock symbolizes a the biblical concept of heaven and hell. The lagoon side of the island has the potential to be a paradise. The lagoon “[is] filled with fruit and everything needed for sustenance” (Novels for Students). Due to the absence of adults, the lagoon should’ve been another Coral Island where the boys seize control over the island. In the beginning of the novel, Jack asks, “‘Where’s the man with the trumpet?’” (13). This alludes to the many references to trumpets in the Bible, such as Isaiah 27.13, which states, “So it shall be in that day: The great trumpet will be blown; They will come [. . .] [a]nd shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem.” In contrast, Castle Rock represents a dark realm of evil and wickedness. This is the side of the island where “‘the conch doesn’t count” (134). This side of the island has been put under a savage, tyrannical rule by Jack. The people of this side of the island are known to perform rituals normally based around a pig. These acts correspond with the idea of idolatry, which, in the Bible, is a major sin. Also, it is stated that “[a] fire burned on [Castle Rock]” (132). Likewise, in Mark 9.43, Hell is described as “the fire that shall never be quenched.” Their polar contrast further develops the symbolism of the lagoon and Castle …show more content…

The polarity between Simon and the Lord of the Flies creates the greatest religious symbolism as Simon represents a Christ-figure while the Lord of the Flies acts as Satan. Simon is a symbolic character who “represents the religious prophet or seer who [. . .] perhaps sees reality most clearly” (Novels for Students). His journey was similar to that of Jesus himself. He is tempted by a devil-figure (127), discovers that “[t]he beast [is] harmless” on a mountain (131), and is martyred by the very people he attempted to tell of his discoveries (136-37). Similarly, Jesus is “tempted for forty days by the devil” (Luke 4.2), discovers his ministry “on a high mountain” (Luke 4.5), and is martyred by the people he came to save (Luke 22.46). "Simon [. . .] is perhaps the strongest representative of the forces of good in the story" (Novels for Student). The Lord of the Flies is a devil figure in the novel. He represents "an evil so strong that it has the power to make [Simon] faint" (Novels for Students). He takes on the role of tempter in the novel, as he attempts to tell Simon to returns to the group. He claims that "[t]here isn 't anyone to help [him]" (128). These stark contrasts better support the novel in a religious