Religious Institutions In North America

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Religious institutions and taxes
Religious institutions such as churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, and others have been tax exempt since before this country was born. Taxes are the monetary contribution to the state and this subsidy is forced by the government on almost all activities (work, property, income, etc.), that is used to invest in technology and education, and to provide goods and services for the benefit of the American people. Religious institution heaved been privileged by the tax exemption of monetary charges by the government because they help others and religious institutions are a fundamental part of our country. This treat comes from the discovery of North America when it was colonized by Europeans, and when the state look for independence in 1782 with the first amendment one of the principal propose was the separation of powers between the government and churches, but the government never release religious institutions from that exception. …show more content…

When the country was institute the religious institutions power was big and the founders thought that religion was important for the US citizens and a fundamental factor of peace between the state and church, therefore religious institutions have been taxes exempted for the good that they made for others. And even though one of the motives of the impendence of the state was the separation of powers and since religious institutions can interfere in the government the government can interfere in religious