Remember The Titans Essay

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Remember the titans is a film by Boaz Yakins, the film is about what racism did to towns in America. The film is set in Alexandria Virginia. The film is about how a school is integrating and how the town is at each throats. To show that the board is serious about this decision they create a multi racial football team called the titans and they employ a new assistant coach who is coloured. They later promote to head coach and demote the current head coach Coach Yoast to assistant coach. Coach Boone the new head coach caused a lot of controversy amongst the town, with threats of all the white players leaving. Coach Yoast is adamant to keep the team together he urges them to stay. Coach Boone wants to prove him self and show he means business so he takes the team of black and white on a team bonding trip up to Gettysburg college. There it clicks and the players play as a team and they mix. Then they go on a winning season but after the semi final Gerry the captain is in a terrible car crash and is paralyzed and can’t play for the final game. The titans win the final game making their season 13 to 0 the perfect season. 10 years later Gerry dies and that is what brings the …show more content…

It is the closing scene and the camera is wide but then goes upwards to become a high wide shot. This part of the movie shows us unity amongst the team. Everyone has moved and everyone has become accepting of who people are. The team now stands by each others side and it shows that anything can be accomplished in life, all you need is courage and perseverance. The movie tries to portray the message of to go against what society says. The quote Sheryl Yoast says as a closing “People say black and white don’t work but here we make it work and always, always remember the titans”. Shows that the titans will be united for many more years to come. Not only have they become united they have also created a brotherhood bond and bonds like that can’t be