Rene Descartes Why Does God Exist

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Rene Descartes an academic, scientist, mathematician, and philosopher. Which landed him the title of the father of modern philosphy for defining doubt in everything us humans possibly take for granted, making us doubt in everything we may or may not know. I find this to be one of the biggest issues with one of Descartes main arugments is the fact he believes that the idea of God is impossible through anyone other cause than God, also that any being less than God is not worth of his divine nature, proving that the meditiator cannot be God since he is a thinking thing as my argument pertains aganist Descartes views of how God exists, because if we as humans are all thinking things, God is a nonbeing therefore he has no thoughts or causes to create such thoughts. Decartes reasoning being in this sense he is his god because saying I am gods creation and he gave me this idea because he is my maker, almost like God is creating a trade mark. Which could come from any idea or imaginative thought hes ever had for example thinking of a ghost therefore ghosts must be devine since they physically dont exist they must have put this in my head for a reason therfore they are god like creatures. This proves, his points have no standing at all. …show more content…

Decartes trys to show that the meditiator is the essence of god, but his nature proves him to be a thinking thing, his critical thinking leads to him saying “even though the objects of my sensory experience and imagination may have no