Body-Mind Dualism: Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas

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The question of body-mind dualism has been debated throughout the centuries by many philosophers as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas and many others. Among them, Descartes could be designated as representing a modern viewpoint about this controversial subject. Disapproving the Skeptics who doubt, or at least try to undermine all the bases for knowledge, Descartes tries to find a certain and absolute knowledge. Very known for his famous Latin quote “Cogito ergo sum” (“I think, therefore I am”), Descartes tries to establish the distinction between the soul (the mind) and the body. This dualism takes root in the fact that these two entities do contrast and differ in their inner nature. The mind being eternal and unextend and the body being mortal and …show more content…

In order for something to be logically valid, its negation must be contradictory. As a consequence, to doubt that one is doubting would be like to think that one is not thinking, and this would lead to a contradiction. Since the action of thinking requires a thinker, Descartes was able to deduce that he must exist. Therefore, this proves the validity of Descartes’ reasoning and makes us come to the part where Descartes’ “Cogito ergo sum” or “I think therefore I am” is brought into being. After applying the aforementioned method, Descartes relies on reasonable doubt as a foundation for true knowledge, keeping in mind that there is one thing that reason forbids him to doubt and that is his own activity, the activity of thinking. It is important to note that, for Descartes, wishing, hoping, believing, and questioning are considered as modes or aspects of