
Renter Case Summary

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After reading the story about Larry landlord and tenant Roger Renter, I feel like Roger should have inspected everything himself before moving in because sometimes owners will not tell you everything that is going on. Roger should have got the roof checked and looked at the ceiling in the apartment to see if anything seems like it has a leak, and if he saw something, he should have told the landlord and the landlord should have fixed the issue. Also, Roger should have made Larry wrote a covenant because he would have had some documentation that Larry stated he was going to repair the leak. For instance, when I and my finance moved to Valdosta in an apartment the manager of the apartments stated they checked all apartments. They had people to come and spray them, but she gave us a list and told us to go inspect the apartment and mark anything that we saw needed to be repaired, so we went and inspect the apartment. We encountered one problem and took the paper back, she had someone to fix it has we were moving in before we signed the lease. I think this was a great …show more content…

In Georgia, before you provide the security deposit, the landlord must present you with a list of standing damage to the locations (www.thelpa). You must have the opportunity to inspect the premises yourself to ensure the truth of the list, and any disagreements should be resolved before making the security deposit or signing the lease. An eviction called a process proceeding in Georgia is a legal process used by landlords to get a tenant out of their premises (www.thelpa). There are some situations under which an owner can recruit an eviction action, the most common being failure to pay rent (www.thelpa). Before a landlord can evict, he must make a written request that full rent is due by an exact date (www.thelpa).. If you fail to pay by the specified date, eviction proceedings can be

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