Representation In Media

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Representation in the media is an important topic that has become a prominent conversation topic. As a society we expect the media to represent the multiculturalism and variety of today 's world. Diversity appears in many forms, whether it 's gender, religion, mental health, socioeconomic, race or even sexual orientation. It appears in all types of media such as television, film, music, and even gaming. Representation is not just limited to race but also includes women, LGBTQIA+, disabilities, mental health and more. A stereotypes main purpose is to create attitudes and in general can be misleading. Stereotypes are communicated in such a way that “they are the language of ideology” (Wilkinson, 1986). Paul Lester …show more content…

The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact the media and most importantly stereotypes in the media impact society. To apply the theories of representation and different forms of analysis to see how gender, sexuality, race and mental illness is represented in the media. I also aim to delve into the power of the media. Media has the tools to influence it’s audience thus having the power affect them. Theresa Belton discusses the influence that the media has and also discusses the influence that it has over us not just on our opinions, but the media;s influence of our thoughts, ideas and perceptions in way that we don 't even know that it is happening. In a research article Jean Masquit describes that we are being exposed to the media from very early ages. The images shown through media surround us and teach us lesson about how the world should be viewed. Television is the main source of information for the today 's youth. The ways in which they are presented in media, especially on television, can lead to the continuing oppression of minority …show more content…

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Cooke-Jackson, Angela, and Elizabeth K. Hansen. 2008. "Appalachian Culture And Reality TV: The Ethical Dilemma Of Stereotyping Others". Journal Of Mass Media Ethics 23 (3): 183-200. doi:10.1080/08900520802221946.
Galdi, Silvia, Anne Maass, and Mara Cadinu. 2013. "Objectifying Media". Psychology Of Women Quarterly 38 (3): 398-413. doi:10.1177/0361684313515185.
Lester, Paul, and Susan Ross. 2003. Images That Injure. ABC-CLIO.
Masquit, Jean. 2006. Images Of Femininity: Media Portrayals Of Women. London: Sage Publications.
Mastro, Dana E., and Maria A. Kopacz. 2006. "Media Representations Of Race, Prototypicality, And Policy Reasoning: An Application Of Self-Categorization Theory". Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 50 (2): 305-322. doi:10.1207/s15506878jobem5002_8.
MORLEY, DAVID. 2016. Television, Audiences And Cultural Studies. [Place of publication not identified]: TAYLOR &