Research Paper On Cabeza De Vaca's Voyage

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The beginning of Cabeza de Vaca’s voyage was very promising; he had strong ships, a team of 600 men, and ample amount of horses, food, and resources. Their motive of finding new land to call home and spread the message of Christianity was going to come true. Before arriving to the new land, they were very prestige and well off. However, after a sequence of events, these things changed. By the time they got to Florida, Cabeza de Vaca’s group was down to 300 men. That is half of what they started with. Upon arriving to the new land, they had difficult encounters with the Native Americans. Although they couldn’t understand what was being said, they knew that they were being threatened. More people from the group died because of the Natives attacking, lack of resources, and illnesses. The Spaniards believed they were better than the natives, however, instead of enslaving them, Cabeza de Vaca and his men became enslaved by the Indians. The group lost everything, besides faith. For example, “one of the gentlemen in our company, died; and the boat we had intended to go infoundered and could not float, and later it sank. And as we were in the condition I have described and most of us were naked, and the weather was too severe for marching… that if God Our Loard was pleased to bring them there…” (Castaways …show more content…

44-45). In this quote, Cabeza de Vaca gives the worst news possible for this time, however, he says it with such calmness, and putting God first because although they do not have anything, they have faith and that is enough to get them through