Research Paper On Cats

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These cats have a tan color to hide and stalk on prey in the long, dead grass, sharp teeth to kill prey, and muscular legs for jumping. They use these features to catch guinea fowl, pheasants, snakes, monkeys, and many other small mammals. Caracals usually eat where they kill, unless they have kittens. Caracals have one to four kittens in a litter. When they are born, they weigh one to two pounds, eight to eleven inches in height, and are about fifteen to eighteen inches in length. As adults, they weigh about thirty pounds, twenty-eight to thirty inches in height, and thirty-five to thirty-nine inches in length. These small wild cats live Africa and South Asia which means in their habitat there is tall grass, rocks to perch up on and scan out, …show more content…

It would usually be a mate or a sibling. At age of about one and a half, the parents would take their young to tech and eventually. When the kittens are about three years old, they will go from their family and start a new family. By this time they are about one and a half feet tall. When they go out, they aren’t ready to eat animals like antelope as an adult would, and jump as high as adult. In about ten years, they will start a new generation and that life cycle will continue. Caracals have huge ears. A couple reasons of that is to hear silent prey or predators and so the kittens will notice their parents in the tall grass. Some scientists believe that caracals can move their ears to communicate with other caracals. They use that to say let’s hunt, hide, follow, and there is a predator near. This would help many times in the caracal’s life. If they didn’t have this ability, many kitten wouldn’t survive. And they would go extinct. Imagen a world without caracals. Too many guinea fowl, pheasants, and snakes. Then animals would die because one type of animal would food that other animals eat. Then animals would become extinct. Like many wild cats, caracals have great senses to hunt at night, hear and smell prey, and feel things in the dark dens. Caracals are as active at night as they are active during the day. A lot like lions, caracals have great eyes to hunt at night. When they hunt at night, they usually

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