Research Paper On Hawaiian Gods And Goddesses

1099 Words5 Pages

Taylor McBride
Kumo Kali
HWST 101
5 April 2023

Gods and Goddesses Research Essay

The Hawaiian culture has a rich mythology with gods and goddesses. The legends surrounding these figures explain beliefs of how our world has come to be. This mythology establishes Hawaiians' connection to the land and their views on their duties to the environment. In my essay, I will be giving an overview of some of these important gods and goddesses, with specific attention to Lono. The ancient Hawaiian religion is polytheistic, with hundreds of deities being a part of their beliefs (Hardy, 2022). The god I will focus on is Lono, who, from Hawaiian mythology, is one of the four major gods; Kane, Ku, Lono, and Kanaloa. Some of these gods take on similarities or have slightly different names to other gods in places across Polynesia. In other Polynesia islands, these gods may have …show more content…

He is also known as a trickster in the legends surrounding him. Lono is part of a family of brothers that includes Ku, the god of war, and Kane, the god of the sky and light. Kane is seen as the creator. Lono is known as a life-giver. With this, he is associated with peace, healing, agriculture, fertility, music, and weather. His full name is “Lono-nui-noho-i-ka-wai, meaning Great Lono Dwelling in the Water” (Brown, 2022). While there is a mix in how the story is told, Hawaiian legends connect him with the rainy season that makes agriculture possible. Because of Lono’s connection to agriculture, he is worshiped through the sacrifice of some produce and chants that ask for his blessing for crops to flourish (Pualani, 1995). These rainy months from October to February are a time of celebration for the crops and the rain that gives life to these crops. It is called the Makahiki season, celebrated through feasting, dancing, and games as ways to give thanks (Hardy,