Research Paper On Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow lived from 1807-1882. During his life, Longfellow saw many wars taking place. The first war that he experienced was the War of 1812, and later saw the Civil War, Mexican War, and others. Many of Longfellow’s poems were set in or around wars. Most of his poems, however, were set around mythology. Longfellow’s most famous poem, Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie, was published in 1847, and made him the most famous writer of his time. During 1847, the Mexican War was in full swing. The war, which was between the U.S. and Mexico, is not believed to have affected Henry’s writing that much. The Maine Historical society’s website about Longfellow states: On April 5, 1840, Longfellow invited a few friends to dine at his rented