
Research Paper On John Donne

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Religion has always been a subject which mankind is struggling since centuries. The relationship of God with man has always been a target of many people where they are still trying to search for the metaphysical presence and where there are some questions that are still unanswered. John Donne as a metaphysical poet has elucidated the main stream during the 17th century to understand religion and its existence because at that time he had himself experienced the religious turmoil in the society. The Holy sonnets are arguable as they are within the arena of hope, fear and emotions which is associated with religion. It is said by Nusbaum (14, 2012) “The Holy Sonnets are Donne’s private efforts at conveying for himself his spiritual thoughts, …show more content…

Everyone knows that he fears death as he does not want to die ‘I run to death, and death meets me as fast’ however there is a contrast in sonnet 10 as he mocks death that too very confidently ‘Death be not proud’. Perhaps it is his love for God that he has muster courage for criticizing death. In fact, his fear of death is alive in his veins as he is feeling guilty for the sins that he has committed. In the sonnet 10 there is a psychological combat going on with death and him due to the emotional turmoil inside him which is being shown through use of alliterations ‘much more must flow’ and ‘Die not poor Death’. Even the repetitive use of ‘And’ depicts his obsession with religion. He has drowned himself completely in the love for God where again Nusbaum states “Donne’s intense fears indicate how deeply he felt the pull between the sin of his flesh and his desire to see God” (pg22, 2012). The speaker here has attributes human qualities in death like ‘poison, war, sickness, poison’ to demonstrates the ways of dying which is in the hands of man to decide but he proudly says this because he has full faith in God who will save him from all …show more content…

He has well played with the literary tools like personification, apostrophe, metaphors, alliterations to make the readers aware on the metaphysical aspect that most people are not aware of. The phrases like ‘Repair me now’, ‘Batter my heart’, ‘Death be not proud’ reveals his obsession of religion. Lewis (pg133 1968) says “his poetic language expresses an experience which is not accessible to us in normal life”. This is apparent because people have not witness this type of devotion where a person though he is a priest is imagining God for repentance. Donne also tends to use lots of exclamations; where sometimes he is shouting showing his despair to show his emotions. Even the unbalanced rhyme scheme reinforces the fact his inner turmoil. He somehow reveals the journey of divinity which is blissful where even Mallari (pg. 645, 2016) states “As Donne uses the most potent but intimate of words to express his interaction with God, his sonnets ground the sacred”. The Holy Sonnets also demonstrates Donne’s own faith where he has awaken his inner soul which allows the readers to ponder about the reality of life especially in sonnet 10 where different ways of dying is mentioned and it is in the hands of man to

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