Research Paper On John Rawls

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John Rawls once stated “As an individual balances present and future gains against present and future losses, a society may balance satisfactions and dissatisfactions between different individuals”.Rawls introduces the concept of justice as society’s main point of success. He theorizes that, it is it fact the only thing that keeps society from collapsing. All people must be giving the same fair choice and equality regardless of any advantages or disadvantages given to an individual by chance. Any advantage a person may receive by chance should be ignored in order to keep all opportunities just. However, is Rawls's decision for fair equality of opportunity really what our economy needs in order to be successful? Or does it create possible reasons …show more content…

“ The basis of equality is taken to be similarity in these two respects, systems of ends are not ranked in value; and each man is presumed to have the requisite ability to understand and to have the requisite ability to understand and act upon whatever principles are adopted”. He theorizes that in order for society to thrive, all citizens should have the same basic liberties granted to them. Rawls makes the argument that although our society makes the act of justice important, it’s still unjust due to not all conditions in our society being made by fair agreements. Rawls argues that “Justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others”. In other words, in order for justice to be reached some may have to give up more in order for the general population to be balanced and …show more content…

Overall, I believe in our society justice is thought be be a key contender for success. However, I believe Rawls theory of justice concerning equality of opportunity can be thought of as extreme in certain cases. Rawls makes a good point when he argues about how unfair our society is if born into the wrong family. As stated “inequalities are to the advantage of the least well-off”. In our country, it’s almost written in stone that if you're born into a poor household you're most likely to stay there. It seems unjust that the people before you will determine your future, but it happens. Our society does not have Feudal systems like Europe in the middle ages but it seems like there's this unseen barrier pushing people back from changing their social status. For example, statistics can confirm that an individual born to a family in the least-off is less likely to attend college then someone of better economic standing. You could have a situation with two individuals with identical transcripts but the statistics will still line up. There’s no written law or rule that states people born into poor household can’t afford college. It more has to do with the fact these people can’t afford to attend college so in return they won’t. They also probably will never be able to receive a higher paying job, leaving them to continue in the same cycle as their