
Research Paper On John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism

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John Stuart Mill a philosopher during the 1800’s influenced by utilitarianism introduces the theory during his time. James Mill was a supporter of the utilitarian theory that he learned from Jeremy Bentham which he was a supporter of. John started learning at a young age his father influenced his teachings to him. This lead to John’s reading of Jeremy Bentham philosophy and became a strong supporter of the theory. “The central aim of John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism is to defend the view that those acts that produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people are right and good” (Deininger 2015). Contemporary ethical issues are dealt with by applying the utilitarianism theory by responding with what is the greater good for the outcome. …show more content…

The theory utilitarianism believes in as long as the outcome is happiness then the choices made are good, humans act differently depending on the issues. The consequence for all persons is impacted based on the one act. The theory could be used in different ethical issues to come up with a solution.
An issue of government welfare raises many concerns because it could be viewed as a charity from government. Without welfare there would be people without money and that would lead to more people being on the streets. This system eliminates some of the population from being on the streets and there is less on the streets asking for money. The tax payer has to foot the bill. The decision from the government to fund this program has many arguing that this is good and bad. This program only helps others but does hurt tax payers, therefore is considered a good program for the

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