
Research Paper On Leonardo Da Vinci

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Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest minds in the Renaissance period. The term ‘renaissance man’ comes from the fifteenth century and no one fits the term better than Leonardo da Vinci. it refers to the idea of a person with a great amount of knowledge and skills in multiple areas. Leonardo da Vinci was a student of many things, he is well known today for his art and his inventions, including two paintings that are among the world’s best painting that are very much admired, called the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He was very much self-taught and was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman. He wrote many notebooks full of theories, inventions and observations that have been found and are used in today’s society. Leonardo was one of the smartest people to live, but is there a modern-day equivalent to him? …show more content…

He died on 2nd May 1619 in Clos Luce, Amboise, France. Leonardo da Vinci is such an amazing influence because he was a natural genius with so many inventions, theories and observation that he shared with the world. He optimized all of his time and knowledge in such a great way and did incredible things to help people. Many of his inventions are still used in modern society and are a great help even though the technology has advanced. He was a leading artist and intellectual of the Renaissance and is best known for his enduring inventions and art pieces. “…simplicity is the ultimate

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