Research Paper On Mr. Scott Falater

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In the year 1997, Mr. Scott Falater aged 43 was accused of killing his wife. According to Falater’s neighbor, Greg Koons, Mr. Falater held the head of his wife underwater on January 16, 1997, at night. Even though Koons did not have a clear view of what happened, but the screaming sound he heard from Mr. Falater’s compound made him call the police. On arriving at the scene of the crime, the Police was confronted with a bloodied pool and the body of Mr. Falater’s wife, which had 44 wounds of stabs. Scott Falater was present at the scene of the crime. He had blood spread to his neck with band-aids on his hands (Jones 106).

The police carried Mr. Falater to the station for interrogation. The video, which the police captured during the night of the murder, displayed the suspect saying that he was not aware why the police officers were interrogating him. The suspect argued that he was sleepwalking at the night of the murder. Even though …show more content…

Falater was a sleepwalker. The evidence by Dr. Rosalind showed that the accused had the profile of sleepwalking and that the past records showed that he had been a sleepwalker. Attorney Kimerer argued that the accused was suffering from a severe stress, which related to his work at Motorola as a product engineer (Martin 10). At the time of the murder, the accused had been sleeping for only two to three hours every night. The defense team proceeded to explain what happened on a dreadful night: According to Attorney Kimerer, the accused came back home from work at night on January 16, the year 1997 and had a dinner with the family. After the dinner, Mr. Falater tried to fix one of the pumps, which was faulty. He went ahead and took out his tools, including the hunting knife, and working clothes from his Tupperware urn in his car trunk. However, the accused changed his mind and decided to do the repair work