
Research Paper On Night By Elie Wiesel

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Faith was one of the cornerstones during the Holocaust that grounded many and provided them with hope. But when this faith was lost, their world changed. In Night by Elie Wiesel, Jewish people in the camps faced struggles and relied on faith to keep them strong. When this faith was lost, they became selfish, breaking lifelong bonds. This loss of faith changes their personality, their relationships, and their view of humanity. Initially, Elie was very religious and carried his strong faith with him throughout the camps. He starts to question: “Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live in the U.S.? Why did I breathe?” (Wiesel, 4). This quote captures how strong Elie's faith was before entering the camp. He considered prayer and faith to be a natural part of him and could not imagine …show more content…

But with the change in personality came a change in priorities. After losing his faith, Elies relationship with his dad was stronger than ever.“I tightened my grip on my father’s hand. The old, familiar fear: not to lose him” (104). Throughout the camps, Elie has lost a lot, but he always had his dad. As they moved to a new camp, he held on to that as hard as he could. At this point, his priority was his father. Other people began to influence Elie, and without a faith to fall back on, he internalized their words. I listened to him without interrupting. He was right, I thought deep down, not daring to admit it to myself. Too late to save your old father. You could have two rations of bread, two rations of soup." (111). At first, when people would tell Elie to stop prioritizing his father, he would dismiss them and stay loyal. But now, he took them time to listen and without faith to rely on, the doubts started taking control. Elie gets to a point where he abandons all faith, loyalty, and morality due to the horrors witnessed in the camps. He now considers his father a burden. If only I didn't find

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